That's how it is. Period.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some off-the-cuff remarks about the press

---The Obamagenda of killing our nation’s oil and gas industry is finally being felt locally as nervous politicians buy into the exaggerated fracking scare by issuing frantic moratoriums all over the place as if this practice will surely bring the World to an end tomorrow, when we know that this threatened destiny is simply not true . . . The drilling companies drill because they own (or alternately lease, I suppose) the mineral rights and Colorado already has pretty stiff rules regarding how and where they drill . . . And of course, Obama’s pompous veto of the Keystone Pipeline is never mentioned in any of the anti-fracking reports or the editorials.
---Reflecting the media-hyped fracking scare, Erie officials are reportedly all up in the air over some sort of a study that allegedly shows that levels of butane, ethane and propane in Erie’s air were “large.” , , , Dumb me, all along I thought these were products derived from refining crude . . . But then, according to the news report, the bearer of the alarming information, a scientist, backed off almost immediately by saying the data don’t definitively show that drilling is the cause. . . . Having resided in Erie for four years, 1998-2002, (The Conarroes started the Erie Review newspaper years before that) my wife and I enjoyed living there but did notice the occasional smog, some of which undoubtedly drifted in from Denver, also from a nearby sanitation plant that seemed to contribute . . . But, like it or not, Erie is the site of a huge, active dump which covers the countryside and nobody for sure knows precisely what is leaking out of it . . . Not to be ignored if we abide by scaremongering is Erie’s positioning over an underground coal field (as are Lafayette and Louisville) that naturally emits methane, radon and Heaven only knows what else through the ground into the atmosphere.
      Watch for more comments on the news . . . Thanks! 

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Retired in 1998 after a 50-year career of editing and publishing Colorado small-town weekly newspapers. He served as president of the Colorado Press Association in 1981 and was awarded an honorary lifetime membership.