That's how it is. Period.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Published 11-29-08
in The Denver Post


Regarding pundit Fred Brown and the disgruntled Republicans he quotes in his column, “The GOP’s journey to the right,” (Perspective 11-23-08) why is it always the Republicans and not the Democrats who are expected to tweak party principles and shut out loyalists in order to reach the ethereal status of political centrism? The Republican Party is no more obligated to expel its right-wing religionists than the Democratic Party is to oust its radical leftist-secularists.

Both parties emphasize their “big tent diversity” and that’s the way American politics should be. The people rule, and those who become disenchanted in one party should strive to change it, find another or go independent.

Mastery of nationwide confidential Internet communications, massive infusions of cash from Soros nationally but Colorado had its own Big Four mother lode, plus the media’s “get Bush” mentality, flummoxed the GOP this time. Stubbornly adhering to his campaign finance philosophy, John McCain was hugely outspent, essentially hoist on his own petard.

Defector Colin Powell, who endorsed Obama, forgets that he was a member of one of the most diverse presidential Cabinets ever assembled, that of George W. Bush.

Republicans “anti-intellectual”? Rubbish.

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Retired in 1998 after a 50-year career of editing and publishing Colorado small-town weekly newspapers. He served as president of the Colorado Press Association in 1981 and was awarded an honorary lifetime membership.