That's how it is. Period.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Letter sent to Longmont Times-Call
2-27-07 and published

Apparently Boulder County’s Parks and Open Space rangers have so little to do that the county commissioners have empowered them to write parking tickets. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not “for” illegal parking. I’m against the authoritarian attitude that currently engulfs our county government. Until the Boulder County Parks and Open Space Department establishes adequate on-site parking so the people can enjoy these public places without being hassled over parking, then a short delay for a deputy sheriff to write a parking ticket seems reasonable. With Boulder County contracting out police protection to the town of Superior (pop. 12,000), and providing 24/7 service to unincorporated Niwot (pop. 4,100), apparently there is no shortage of sheriff’s personnel, equipment or county money, so the wait shouldn’t be too long.
Other authoritarian acts of note lately by the commissioners:

--Issued $29 million in Certificates of Participation to construct the new Open Space/County Garage building just west of Longmont. All legal, this loophole allows the politicians to put the people in debt without holding an election.

--Using our hard-earned tax dollars to pursue an anti-religion lawsuit against a Niwot church that’s trying to exercise its First Amendment rights to serve its congregation by expanding its facilities.
--Using Boulder County open space tax-funds to play around with land-use projects in Weld County.

--Throwing $700,000 into a Web-based land-use tracking system to tighten the bureaucratic noose on every square inch of private property in rural Boulder County. What the commissioners don’t buy for open space, they are going to manage with an iron hand.  

Lastly, a “thank you” to the Longmont Daily Times-Call for stepping up its coverage of our Boulder County government. With one political party totally in charge and no debates, the need for more sunshine is critical.

Percy Conarroe

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Retired in 1998 after a 50-year career of editing and publishing Colorado small-town weekly newspapers. He served as president of the Colorado Press Association in 1981 and was awarded an honorary lifetime membership.